Friday, February 13, 2009

Rev. Marion B. Holloway Passes Away

Rev. Marion B. Holloway of St. Charles, Missouri, died on Wednesday, February 11, 2009, at the age of 87. Dearest husband of the late Gerri Holloway, who preceded him in death on May 13, 2008. Marion and Gerri were also the parents of Sharon Mund, Pastor's wife, Wright City Church of the Nazarene. Rev. Holloway was ordained in 1950 and pastored several churches on the Missouri District. He was granted retirement status in 1989. His funeral service was held on Monday, February, 16, 2009, at the Harvester Church of the Nazarene. He was burreid at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis. His full obituary and guestbook may be viewed online at
Perhaps twenty Missouri District pastors and associates were in attancance to share in his celebration service and form a honor guard for Rev. Holloway's casket as it left the church.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Ice Storm Reports from SEMO Churches

Several of our South East Missouri pastors have been without electricity for the greater part of this past week. Here are a few updates:

Bernie - We just had power restored at 7:35 pm Sunday Feb 1, 2009. The WHOLE TOWN was out of power since Tue of last week. A Special thanks to Dexter First for inviting Bernie Nazarene to worship with them this morning. It will be at least a month or longer before the cleanup is complete. We lost all 9 trees at the parsonage. Praise the Lord just minor damage from the falling limbs and trees ... It looks like a War Zone (Picture) - Pastor Jon

Malden - Malden had been told it could take 2 or 3 weeks to restore their power. They have been invited to fellowship at Bernie and probably will.

Sikeston Eastside – “After seven days without power, we finally have it. We camped out in the living room with candles, lamps, cooked on a propane grill (while cracking a window). We did have not water the whole time. After our phone came on this afternoon, I received a call from someone to tell me that two of our ladies had spent the last five days at Sikeston Field House, where the Red Cross is running a shelter for the community. I was able to check on both. One is staying at the shelter until the power comes home at her house. The other is back home. Some of our people left the area to spend time with family who had power. Praise God for the way He has taken care of us. Other than being cold at times, we have come out of this with God's help. Please continue to pray for the community … Thanks again, Brian Blankenship.

Sikeston First– “Power came on Sat night, but we have no phone service or internet. We had no church Sunday ... Most of the town has power now, but it looks like a war zone … It was a horrible experience hearing the limbs break and fall for two nights. When the house got down to 42 degrees we decided we had to leave.” John & Barb Bouldrey

Monday, February 02, 2009

Update on Mrs. Adele Storkson

Pastor Sam writes, "I am happy to report that Adele is home as of 10 pm Sunday night, February 1st ... She is still experiencing quite a bit of pain, and, of course, a sense of uncertainty about the future. Please DO continue to pray for Adele’s restoration to health and wholeness. We DO thank the district ministers and lay people for their prayers and loving kindnesses in remembering my wife before GOD. Your brother and friend in Christ, Sam Lee Storkson, Pastor, Montgomery City Church of the Nazarene."