Many have heard of the “Gates of Splendor” and the “End of the Spear”. These are based on the account of missionaries who gave their lives in 1956 to share the gospel with the natives of Mera, a remote village in Ecuador (an hour's flight from Shell). Today those missionaries are highly honored there with a museum and monument to them. Twenty-four from the Eldon church and three from the Macon church will be ministering there December 27th through January 10th. Seven teens and three adult sponsors will be staying for a week, ministering to a village known as Shuar (an hour and a half beyond Shell), conducting a VBS and interacting with the youth of the community. Shuar is a church planted by the Shell Church. The teen team will then return to Shell to minister in the church there. The rest of the team will stay in Shell to work on the church, doing plumbing, electrical, painting, and masonry work on the third story of the church’s new addition. One Eldon couple will be staying for three months. The Halls will be supervising the effort, along with Pastor Angel and his wife Marcella. The Shell and Eldon churches have been prayer partners for months now, and there is much excitement as they will minister together. The Eldon Church made and sold 5,287 apple pies this fall to help fund this ministry. Pictures of pie making (and an explanation of what an apple pie is) were sent to the Shell church. These were shared with the Shell congregation in October for their centennial celebration. Please pray for the team's safety and a great harvest! (Note: The picture above is of the work site).