Friday, March 28, 2008

Rev. Shukry Braik Passes Away

Rev. Dr. Shukry Braik passed away Thursday evening, March 27th, following a long battle with cancer. He is survived, in part, by his wife, Arphneh, and his four children. He was ordained in 1974 and pastored the Macon and the St. Louis North County Churches on the Missouri District. He served most recently as Resident Counselor at the Harvester Church of the Nazarene. You may view and/or sign his web guestbook at His funeral was on Monday, March 31st, at the Harvester church .

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rudins Accepts Oregon Camp Director's Position

Rev. Chip and Connie Rudin have accepted the manager's position on the Oregon Pacific District to manage Kellogg Springs Christian Camp. Their primary responsibilities will be the over all directing of the camp, setting the vision for the camp, marketing the camp, raising funds to build a new lodge, improve the water system & take the camp to the churches on the ORPAC District. Chip writes, "The decision to leave family & friends on the MO District has not been easy for us. A big part of our lives will be left here. We have prayed this through & know beyond doubt that the Lord is leading us to Oregon. Connie & I both believe that our best days of ministry are still in front of us. Thank you for your prayers & concern for us. We love you folks on the MO District." They will be leaving the MO District on March 31. (Note: Rev. Gary Garrett will be directing the Men's Retreat this year)

Rev. Perkins Accepts Call to House Springs

Rev. Dave and Barb Perkins have accepted the call to the House Springs Church of the Nazarene. Their first Sunday there will be Easter Sunday, March 23rd.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Rev. Huffaker To Speak at Pastor's Advance

Rev. Bob Huffaker will be the featured speaker at this year's Pastor's Advance to be held May 6th-8th at Pinecrest Camp and Conference Center. Dr. Huffaker was raised on a farm in Grassland, Texas, a small farming community. He attended a small country church of around 50 people through his high school years. After graduation from Bethany Nazarene College in 1962 with a degree in Religion, he re-opened the Nazarene Church in Clarendon, Texas, which had been closed for ten years. On his first Sunday, there were only eight people in attendance. He subsequently pastored churches in Texas and Arkansas before coming to Grove City in 1989. Dr. Huffaker has pastored every size church – from eight to OVER 3000. He pastored Grove City Church of the Nazarene for 16 years (1989-2005). During that time, attendance increased from 600 to 3000 in morning worship

Friday, March 07, 2008

Missouri District PKs Attend Annual MNU Retreat

13 Missouri District junior and senior high school pastor's kids (PKs) attended this year's PK at Mid-America Nazarene University (10 of them are pictured at left). This annual event brings together pastor's kids from all across the north-central educational zone. Besides just "hanging out", the youth are involved in worship experiences, small groups, and lots of fun and fellowship.

Rev. Clarence Casteel Honored at Retirement Celebration

Rev. Michael Palmer, Missouri District Superintendent, presented Rev. Clarence Casteel a "Faithful Servant" plaque in celebration of Rev. Casteel's 43 years of service to the Annapolis Church of the Nazarene. The service was held last Saturday, March 1st, and was in their new sanctuary. It was attended by many of his family, church members, and friends from across the district.

Jeff Roever Installed as Frankclay Pastor

Rev. Jeff Roever was installed by Missouri District Superintendent, Rev. Michael Palmer as the Frankclay Church's newest pastor. The service took place last Sunday, March 2nd. Before coming to the Frankclay church, the Rev. Roever was the youth pastor at the Wright City Church of the Nazarene.