The Missouri District Church of the Nazarene hosted their very first New Start Assessment at
Pinecrest this month. The Assessment Center is conducted by the Evangelism division of the general Church of the Nazarene to accommodate the New Start leadership evaluations of a particular region. Missouri was on the map this time and it was great. We assessed six couples of which three of those couples were from the Missouri District;
Shawen Farley, Jeremy Broach and Rolland &
Zoey Moore. Our three couples were approved for New Start Church leadership and we are now planning for the future. Our district assessor’s were Pastors Brian Davis, Jeff
Mihelich, Mark
Hager and our D.S., Michael Palmer. The feedback was positive for both the first time assessors, as well as the candidates. All noted that the organizational process was excellent and the training was superb. The
Pinecrest accommodations and staff were over the top as always making this Assessment Center one of the best. We are thankful for all the Lord is doing here for starting new Churches in the Missouri District. Keep praying for these new leaders and how your church can be involved. -- Submitted by Rev. Mark Hager, District New Start Director