Sherri had to take Mary to the emergency room because she has an injury in the muscle above her knee that isn’t healing. The doctors said that the bruised area has an abscess that if left unattended will only get worse. Already Mary has a lot of swelling, pain and can’t walk without a limp, especially at the end of the day. The doctors put her on a strong anti-flammatory medicine and antibiotics. If there isn’t a big improvement by this weekend, we’re going to have to go to a orthopedic doctor and have it drained which is considered minor surgery. Obviously, we don’t want that, so pray that (1) she’ll remember to keep her leg propped up at school this week and (2) the meds and warm compresses will allow the pus to self-drain. (Note: Dr. Stan and Sherri Hall are our Missouri missionaries serving in Quito, Ecuador).
12/15/06 - Update on Mary: Sherri Hall emailed the district office this morning and stated that they have decided to take Mary to the orthopedist to have her leg lanced/drained. She adds, "She's tired of the pain, and it hasn't improved much." Please continue to keep her in your prayers.
12/18/06 - Update on Mary: Here is the latest report from Sherri, "We went to a Sports Orthopedist doctor last night. As it turned out, the bump on her leg is not an abscess and it does not need to be drained. This doctor says that it's a hemotoma where all the blood rushed to the spot of injury and then formed this bump. There's not much that can be done except rest (yeah, right!), heat compresses and time. It will take 2-3 months to completely heal. I questioned him so much about whether or not there was infection, he almost laughed at me. Then he wrote out a prescription which began with "Calma!" which translates as "chill out!" At least, now I'm convinced that there's not infection, so that's a relief."