Wednesday, November 12, 2008

PB & JAM Slam Children's Retreat a Success!

About 60 children and 30 sponsors and workers attended the first annual PB & JAM Slam Children's Retreat held last weekend at Pinecrest. The "PB" stands for Phineas Bresee, the founder of the Church of the Nazarene. The highest award in Caravans also bears his name. The "JAM" stands for "Jeremiah a Missionary". The retreat was a combined effort of the Missouri District Caravans and the Missouri District NMI. During the Friday night and Saturday retreat the children heard from missionaries Russell and Donna Lovett and each child earned two Caravan badges. However, even those children which were not involved in a local Caravan program still participated and took home badges just like the regular Caravan kids. As part of the event, the kids also helped pack 42 Crisis Care Kits (7 boxes), which will be eventually shipped all over the world in the event of a natural disaster.