Girardeau sent in the following report regarding their pie fund raiser: "This year due to the difficulty of obtaining apples (the late Spring freeze), we only made 1200 apple pies. In the past we have made 2,000 - 2,500 apple pies and also make 600-1,000 pecan and pumpkin pies. The money goes into an account for our Work & Witness projects. We have been able to help individuals with the expense money if needed and also to send the money for the building supplies. Our church began the pie project on the district about 8 - 10 years ago. The pies are a threefold ministry. (1) The church members enjoy the fellowship time. It brings the young and old together in a mutual ministry. (2) The community not only enjoys and eagerly waits each year for pies, but it is an open opportunity to explain why we make them and what the money goes for. (3) The funds are used to support Work and Witness projects. On a year when we really push ourselves, we can net a profit of $12-15,000." They are always happy to share their technique with other churches that might be interested in making pies.
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