Shonda Broach, our pastor's wife from House Springs, has requested prayer for herself and her family during her
chemotherapy, which started yesterday, March 1st. She did have her second cancer surgery two week ago and she reports she did fine. She specifically asked that our office would pass along her thanks to everyone on the district for your prayers, cards, and support. She stated that the doctors are very optimistic about her long-term prognosis, then she added with a chuckle, "If we can just make it
through this year!". Thanks for your continued prayers on her behalf.
Update (3/8/07) - Jeremy reports that
Shonda did have her first chemotherapy treatment last week. Although the treatments did make her pretty sick for several days, she is feeling better now. She will have several more rounds of chemo every three weeks. He would like to thank everyone for their continued prayers.
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