Rev. Brian and Sherri Blankenship, pastor and wife of our Sikeston Eastside church, has asked that we please pray for thier daughter, Kara. She has been diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Malformation of the Brain, Type II. In Chari Malformations an excess of cerebellar(from the cerebellum) known as the cerebellar tonsils extends down through the opening into the upper portion of the spinal canal. When this happens these cerebellar tonsils put pressure on the brain stem and spinal cord. Kara has problems with neck and shoulder pain, and with blurred vision(and eyes that bounce up and down). They will meet with the neurologist on Dec. 4th to determine the extent of the problem (she will have two tests), and find out what the options are (mostly surgery). Please pray for God's complete healing for our daughter. Thanks you.
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